Permits & Licenses

Permits are required in the Town of Cady.

The town is under St Croix County zoning- please contact them for zoning questions.

Building permits:  the building inspector (also issues building permits)for the Town of Cady is-

REM Inspecting LLC

1014 110th Avenue

Amery, WI 54001


How to apply for a building permit:

1)                       Go to

2)                       Click on Building Projects

3)                       Scroll down to “Click here for a building permit application.”

4)                       This will bring you to InspectWiz

5)                       Click Create Permit Application and complete the steps.

  • Make sure to type the address in slowly as the software completes a search for each character you enter. If you are still having issues, please reach out to REMI they can manually enter the site address for you.

6)                       Once you start the permit application process use the forward and back arrows within the program to move through the steps. All components of the application that are Yellow in color or have a Red Asterix * next to it are required fields. The goal is to get the steps on the right side of the application to be Green in color. Once all the steps are complete and Green a Red submittal button will appear. If you don’t click the submit and sign as the applicant, REMI will not be notified of a new application.

7)                       Once REMI receives the application, they will review and process it and request any additional information needed via email.  REMI also may send worksheets that they need completed and returned to determine the scope of work.

8)                       Once REMI have all the documentation they need, they will calculate the permit fee and send you a total.

9)                       Once payment is received, REMI will work on issuing the permit and will notify you once the permit is issued and work is able to begin.

Permit processing takes anywhere from 5 -10 business days on average. Permit applications are processed in the order they are received and issued on Tuesdays and Thursdays every week.

Contact REM with any questions regarding the permit or code requirements at 715-497-3458 or


The Town of Cady can no long get burning permits forms from the WI DNR. Residents need to apply for the permit online. Go to to complete a form to receive a permit from the DNR that is good for the calendar year.  Call 1-800-281-3478, St Croix County Dispatch, when you are doing a controlled burn to avoid having someone call the fire department and you end up with a bill for burning without calling.

Driveway permits:  Any type of new driveway needs a driveway permit.  There is a fee for the permit.  Contact the clerk for all driveway permits.

Fireworks permits are available from the Chairman.

Dog Licenses/Exotic Animal Licenses

All dogs must be licensed.  Licenses are available from the treasurer.  Contact the treasurer for the cost of the license.

Exotic animals must be licensed.  The town has an ordinance concerning exotic animals. Licenses are issued when the animal owner meets all of the criteria in the ordinance.


Contact the clerk if you have any questions concerning permits.Town of Cady Barn